Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Harita Mühendisliği Bölümü

Institutional Facts

The Department of Geomatics Engineering, which was established in 2009 within the Faculty of Engineering of Çanakkale Onsekiz March University (ÇOMU), has developed rapidly and started its education and training activities in 2012. Currently, undergraduate education is being continued with 50 + 50 student quota for OSYM Central Placement exams in normal and secondary education programs. Students graduate by completing 138 credits (240 European Credit Transfer System - ECTS credits) and 40 business days of engineering internship during 4 years of Turkish education and training, receiving the title of “Geomatics Engineer”.

In our department, student exchanges are carried out at national and international levels within the scope of ERASMUS, FARABI and MEVLANA programs. Geomatics Engineering is an engineering science that deals with the collection, storage, processing, analysis, display and use of information about spatial objects. 

Geomatics technology, which is among the fastest developing sectors in the world, includes geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, cartography, geographic/land information systems, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and geographic databases. The topics covered by geomatics technology include geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, cartography, geospatial/land information systems, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The theoretical basis of geomatics is mathematics, physics, statistics, astronomy, satellite technology and computer science.

Postgraduate education is provided in the Master's Program of the Department of Geomatics Engineering, which operates under the Graduate Institute of ÇOMU, and the interdisciplinary Master's Program of Geographical Information Technologies supported by the Faculty of Engineering Faculty.